These have been an amazing tool for us and address deep issues very gently so I thought I would share my cheat sheet with you all.
This is not all of the remedies there are, but close so I will edit and add more when I get time. These are the super basic descriptions offered by the manufacturer, so if one strikes you , please look up the full description.
AGRIMONY- Positive qualities: Emotional honesty, acknowledging and working with emotional pain, ability to radiate genuine equanimity and inner peace
Patterns of imbalance: Anxiety hidden by a mask of cheerfulness; denial and avoidance of emotional pain, addictive behavior to anesthetize feelings
Positive qualities: Creative activity integrated with vital life-energy, active expression of soul fire.
Patterns of imbalance: Over-emphasis of will forces or creative fervor; "burned-out" or workaholic syndrome.
Positive qualities: Promotes radiant and self-assured feminine identity andphysical presence grounded in the female body.
Patterns of imbalance: Artificial or disembodied feminine self, lack of connection and awareness of female body, and rejection of female organs as "lower".
Positive qualities: Integration of sexuality and spirituality into a sacred wholeness.
Patterns of imbalance: Polarization of sexuality and spirituality, typically leading to clandestine behavior, bifurcated relationships or sexual addiction.
ANGELICA- Positive qualities: Feeling protection and guidance from spiritual beings, especially during threshold experiences such as birth and death, or other life passages
Patterns of imbalance: Feeling cut off, bereft of spiritual guidance and protection; spiritual orphan
Positive qualities: Spiritual surrender at death or at times of deep transformation; opening the soul to the spiritual world.
Patterns of imbalance: Fear of death, resistance to letting go of material life and crossing the spiritual threshold; denial of the reality of the spiritual world or the soul’s need for change.
ALMOND-Positive qualities: Ability of the heart to anchor a core structure of life-giving light; integration of physical incarnation and spiritual development; alignment of mental “light” forces with physical “life” forces; ability to find self identity through the integration of physical and spiritual realities (Life and Light)
Patterns of imbalance: Obstacles to proper physical development such as failure to thrive syndrome; inability to take up earthly nutrition as a form of sustenance for body and soul, imbalances or lack of integration in physical and mental aspects of development
ARNICA- Positive qualities: Conscious embodiment, despite emergency or stress; recovery from deep-seated strain, post-trauma, or scarring
Patterns of imbalance: Disconnection of Higher Self from body during shock or trauma; disassociation, unconsciousness, dysfunction or latent illness deriving from past trauma
ASPEN-Positive qualities: Trust and confidence to meet the unknown, sensitive attunement to the spiritual world; perceptive awareness of psychic realms
Patterns of imbalance: Fear of the unknown, vague anxiety and apprehension, hidden fears, nightmares; easily startled or frightened
BABY BLUE EYES-Positive qualities: Childlike innocence and trust; feeling supported and loved, especially by male figures; faith in the providence of spiritual beings
Patterns of imbalance: Defensiveness, insecurity, mistrust of others; estrangement from higher spiritual authority; lack of support from the father or other masculine influences in childhood
BEECH- positive qualities: Tolerance, acceptance of others' differences and imperfections, seeing the good within each person and situation; ability to offer praise to otherS
Patterns of imbalance: Criticalness, judgmental attitudes, intolerance; perfectionist expectations of others; hyper-reactive to one's social and physical environment due to underlying sensitivity
Positive qualities: Competent manifestation in the world; clearly directed forces of will, intentional and decisive action.
Patterns of imbalance: Inability to translate goals and ideals into concrete action or viable activities; procrastination.
Positive qualities: Courage to confront rather than retreat from abusive or threatening relationships or situations; clear and contained psychic forces.
Patterns of imbalance: Enmeshed in a relationship or lifestyle that is abusive, addictive or violent; dark, brooding emotions, congested or toxic psychic forces.
BLACK EYED SUSAN-Positive qualities: Awake consciousness capable of acknowledging all aspects of the Self; penetrating insight and self-aware behavior. Patterns of imbalance: Avoidance or repression of traumatic or shadow aspects of the personality, addictive or hypnotic behavior due to loss of consciousness
BLEEDING HEART-Positive qualities: Ability to love others unconditionally, with an open heart; emotional freedom
Patterns of imbalance: Entangled in relationships based on fear, possessiveness or neediness; emotional co-dependence
BORAGE-Positive qualities: Ebullient heart forces, buoyant courage and optimism
Patterns of imbalance: Heavy-heartedness or grief, lack of confidence in facing difficult circumstances; depressive behavioR
BUTTERCUP-Positive qualitities: Promotes radiant inner light, unattached to outer recognition or fame; self-assured.
Patterns of imbalance: Feelings of low self-worth, inability to acknowledge or experience one’s inner light and uniqueness; and self-deprecating.
CALENDULA- Positive qualities: Healing warmth and receptivity, especially in the use of the spoken word and in dialogue with others
Patterns of imbalance: Argumentative, lack of receptivity in communication with others; verbal abuse
CALIFORNIA PITCHER PLANT- Positive qualities: Earthy vitality, healthy bodily instincts
Patterns of imbalance: Listless or anemic; disassociated from or fearful of the instinctual aspects of the Self, poor digestion and assimilation
Positive qualities: Radiant heart-centered spirituality; strong interior alignment for values and choices.
Patterns of imbalance: Attachment to illusion or grandeur, superficial spirituality or fantasy, external glamour or escapism through psychedelic drugs or other out-of-body activities.
Positive qualities: Love for the Earth and for human life, enthusiasm for doing and serving.
Patterns of imbalance: Apathy, resignation, pronounced passivity; inability to catalyze will forces through the heart.
CANYON DUDLEYA- Positive qualities: Balanced psychic and physical energies; grounded presence in everyday life; positive charisma
Patterns of imbalance: Distorted psychic experiences; inflated involvement in psychic or charismatic experiences; addiction to “trauma-drama” lifestyle
Positive qualities: Fiery and energetic, inwardly mobile, capable of change and transformation.
Patterns of imbalance: Stagnation, inability to move forward toward change.
Positive qualities: Serving others from inner strength, while nourishing one's own needs; acting from strength of inner purpose, saying “No” when appropriate.
Patterns of imbalance: Weak-willed, dominated by others, servile, acting to please; difficulty saying “No;” fatigue and related problems due to self-neglect.
Positive qualities: Trusting one's inner knowing, intuition; self-confidence, certainty.
Patterns of imbalance: Uncertainty or doubt of one's inner wisdom and truth; invalidating what one knows, over-dependent on advice from others.
CHAMOMILE- Positive qualities: Serene, sun-like disposition, emotional balance
Patterns of imbalance: Easily upset, moody and irritable, inability to release emotional tension, especially in the stomach or solar plexus
CHAPARRAL-Positive qualities: Balanced psychic awareness, deep penetration and understanding of the transpersonal aspects of oneself
Patterns of imbalance: Psychic and physical toxicity, disturbed dreams and chaotic inner life, toxicity due to drugs, violence or post-traumatic stress
CHERRY PLUM-Positive qualities: Spiritual surrender and trust, feeling guided and protected by a Higher Power; balance and equanimity despite extreme stress or adversity
Patterns of imbalance: Fear of losing control, mental and emotional breakdown; desperate or destructive impulses; acute tension and rigidity
Positive qualities: Ability to cultivate life wisdom, understanding the laws of karma; intelligence derived from life experience.
Patterns of imbalance: Poor observation of one's experiences, failure to learn life's lessons, repeating the same mistakes.
CHICORY- Positive qualities: Selfless love given freely, respecting the freedom and individuality of others; emotional containment
Patterns of imbalance: Possessive or manipulative behaviors disguised as love, demanding, or emotionally needy; getting attention through negative behavior; self-centeredness
Positive Qualities: Distinguish higher spiritual identity from temporal personality; transpersonal and transcendent soul expression.
Patterns of imbalance: Fear of aging and mortality, over-attachment to temporal personality; and healing crisis due to materialistic focus of the soul.
CLEMATIS-Positive qualities: Awake, focused presence; manifesting inspiration in practical life; conscious embodiment and interest in the world
Patterns of imbalance: Avoidance of the present by daydreaming; other-worldly and impractical ideals; fuzzy or vague states of floating consciousness
CORN-Positive qualities: Alignment with the Earth, especially through the body and feet; grounded presence
Patterns of imbalance: Inability to stay centered in the body; disorientation and stress, particularly in urban or crowded environments
COSMOS-Positive qualities: Integration of ideas and speech; coherent thinking; mercurial expression
Patterns of imbalance: Unfocused, disorganized communication; overexcited speech, overwhelmed by too many ideas
Positive qualities: Creative activity integrated with vital life-energy, active expression of soul fire.
Patterns of imbalance: Over-emphasis of will forces or creative fervor; "burned-out" or workaholic syndrome.
Positive qualities: Dynamic physical energy and expressive life force; inner ease in work and play.
Patterns of imbalance: Tense, rigid or stiff, especially in the musculature of the body; over-striving and hard-driving.
Positive qualities: Gentle purity and clarity of purpose; motives and actions that are allied with one's true feelings.
Patterns of imbalance: Mixed or conflicting motives; dishonest or polite responses not based upon genuine feelings.
DILL-Positive qualities: Ability to experience and absorb a wide variety of sensory experiences, heightened awareness of taste, touch, hearing, sight, smell, etc.
Patterns of imbalance: Overwhelm due to excess stimulation, hypersensitivity to environment or to outer activity, sensory congestion
DOGWOOD-Positive qualities: Grace-filled movement, physical and etheric harmony in the body
Patterns of imbalance: Awkward and painful awareness of the body; latent emotional trauma or abuse affecting the body, accident prone
DOWNY AVENS- Positive qualities: Intelligence that is integrated in head and heart; enduring wisdom derived from incremental development of soul forces; patient and progressive cultivation of thinking forces with over-all soul identity
Patterns of imbalance: Precocious development of intellectual capacities with lagging emotional development; easily bored or distracted due to lack of heart attention and imagination; tendency to hyperactivity or Attention Deficit Disorder
Positive qualities: Soul purity which embraces all aspects of life and body, especially sexual identity.
Patterns of imbalance: Tension in sexual identity; conflicting sexual values or experiences
ECHINACEA-Positive qualities: Core integrity and immunity, maintaining a strong sense of Self, especially when challenged by stress or disease
Patterns of imbalance: Shattered by severe trauma or abuse; physical or emotional disintegration of Self Identity; poor immune function; vacant presence
Positive qualities: Joyous service, faith and confidence to complete one's task; ability to shoulder tasks effectively.
Patterns of imbalance: Overwhelmed by personal or work obligations, feeling unequal to the task required; dysfunctional or scattered response to responsibilities and commitments.
EVENING PRIMROSE- Positive qualities: Awareness and healing of painful early emotions absorbed from parents; ability to open emotionally and form deep, committed relationships
Patterns of imbalance: Profound feeling of rejection stemming from in utero or early childhood experience; avoidance of commitment in relationships, fear of parenthood; sexual and emotional coldness or repression
FAIRY LANTERN-Positive qualities: Healthy maturation; acceptance of adult responsibilities, positive integration of “child” identity
Positive qualities: Involvement in the social fabric of the world; ability to share one’s spiritual gifts with others.
Patterns of imbalance: Withdrawal, isolation, self-protection; overly delicate or mystical, lacking the inner strength to participate in community and family.
Patterns of imbalance: Immaturity, helplessness, neediness, childish dependency; unable to take responsibility
FILAREE-Positive qualities: Star-like vision, a cosmic overview which holds the events of ordinary life in perspective
Patterns of imbalance: Obsessive worry and compulsion about minor events; unable to gain a wider perspective in daily life; hyper-focus on small details
Positive qualities: Awareness of connections in one’s personal relationships; perceptive mindfulness of subtle realms and transpersonal relationships.
Patterns of imbalance: Lack of connection with souls in the spiritual world; loneliness and isolation due to death of a loved one; soul myopia.
FUCHSIA- Positive qualities: Genuine emotional vitality, ability to express intense feelings
Patterns of imbalance: Hyper-emotionality or hysteria that masks deeply-seated pain and trauma; misdirected psychosomatic responses to pain and stress
GARLIC-Positive qualities: Resilient and vital response to life, active resistance to adverse influences
Patterns of imbalance: Fearful or weak due to parasitic influence, prone to low vitality
GREEN ROSE-Positive qualities: Compassion as the doorway of connection to all living beings; love as a form of transcendent embrace and trust
Patterns of imbalance: Fear, mistrust, defensiveness; fear of being attacked or annihilated and thus developing barriers to other living beings
GOLDEN EAR DROPS-Positive qualities: Ability to remember and understand core experiences that define emotional history; nourishment and insight from past experiences
Patterns of imbalance: Suppressed toxic memories of childhood; feelings of pain and trauma about past events, affecting present emotional identity
Positive qualities: Redemption of suffering; transformation of emotional darkness into the light of soul understanding; resurrection forces of soul triumph.
Patterns of imbalance: Profound trauma, sorrow, emotional pain; ability to face evil, or the "shadow" of humanity; descent into hell.
Positive qualities: Courageous soul alignment with the living being of the earth; hope and resolve for world service and healing despite setbacks or challenges.
Patterns of imbalance: Feelings of overwhelm, despair and defeat with regard to the condition of the earth; bereft and discouraged when living connection with the earth is disrupted due to natural or man-made catastrophe; ability to carry the elemental "cross" of the world.
Positive qualities: Remaining open to others while staying self-contained; active social involvement which preserves inner equilibrium.
Patterns of imbalance: Over-sensitivity to one’s social surroundings, resulting in social isolation, or a false social persona; dependence on drugs for protection or social masking.
GORSE- Positive qualities: Deep and abiding conviction and hope; equanimity and light-filled optimism
Patterns of imbalance: Pessimistic attitude, unable to trust or imagine a positive outcome for future events
HAWTHORN- Positive qualities: Strong and vital bodily forces that impart power, courage and bravery; positive assertive forces
Patterns of imbalance: Overly strong will that depletes heart balance; “Type A” aggressive, hostile personality; easily agitated or stressed when personal will forces are not satisfied
HEATHER-Positive qualities: Inner tranquility; emotional self-sufficiency; positive solitude
Patterns of imbalance:Talkative and self-absorbed; over-concerned with one's own problems; unconscious usurpation of others' psychic energy
Positive qualities: Warmth and responsiveness in sexuality; integration of soul warmth and bodily passion.
Patterns of imbalance: Inability to enjoy sexual experience; lack of warmth and vitality, often due to prior exploitation, false cultural expectations or abuse.
HOLLY- Positive qualities: Loving and inclusive gestures to others; heartfelt compassion; ability to express gratitude to others
Patterns of imbalance: Social isolation; jealousy, envy, suspicion, anger
Positive qualities: Being fully in the present; acceptance of current life conditions.
Patterns of imbalance: Nostalgia; emotional attachment to the past, longing for prior condition which seems more appealing
Positive qualities: Dynamic involvement in life's tasks; steady state of energy.
Patterns of imbalance: Unexplained fatigue or weariness, correlated to daily tasks or responsibilities that do not fully engage soul commitment and interest.
Positive qualities: Holistic thinking; perception of physical reality united with lively thoughts, integration of imagination and intellect.
Patterns of imbalance: Materialistic world view, weighed down or dulled by a mundane or overly analytical viewpoint; can be accompanied by heaviness or torpor in the physical body.
IMPATIENS- Positive qualities: Ability to flow harmoniously with time and daily rhythms, patient embrace of life events and the pace of others
Patterns of imbalance: Impatience, irritation, hypertension, intolerance; pain due to tension and resistance in the body