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Old 04-10-2019, 09:37 PM   #1
Rose Garden
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sticky Fine Arts Resources -- Please share what you've used.

I'll update the OP with a list as things are posted. Feel free to leave a personal review, even if the product is already on the list.

This list is not an endorsement by GCM.

Recorder Fun by Hal Leonard Corp.

Famous Artists Online Unit Study (Volume 1) by Techie Homeschool Mom.

Schaefer Art YouTube Channel that gives exellent lessons in sketching and painting, from beginner to advanced.

Hoffman Academy online piano lessons, both a free and a paid version.

Kids Guitar Zone

Justin Guitar

Discovering Great Artists: Hands-On Art for Children in the Styles of the Great Masters (Bright Ideas for Learning Book 5)

Solfa (sight singing): Children of the Open Air on YouTube

Sight Singing School Secrets of Drawing course. When we first signed up, we decided we couldn't afford it and cancelled at the last step. It asked why and made us an offer we couldn't refuse - just a tip

CM picture study materials from (free)

Circe institute have a number of podcasts, including
The Play's the Thing, going through all of Shakespeare's plays one act at a time (this is intended as a teacher support, or you could listen with an older teen. Lots of fun.)
A Poem A Day (suitable for everyone)

Last edited by Soliloquy; 04-15-2019 at 10:08 AM.
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Old 04-10-2019, 10:49 PM   #2
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Default Re: Fine Arts Resources -- Please share what you've used.

We start music with a basic recorder (Ravel has been a good brand) and recorder instruction book (Hal Leonard Corp's "Recorder Fun!" instruction book).

For art this past year, we had "Tea & Art" each Friday. We worked through Techie Homeschool Mom's Famous Artists Online Unit Study (Volume 1). It was excellent, both content-wise from my perspective and enjoyment-wise from the kids' perspectives. One week we would do the learning part (learn about an art movement and artist, write a summary of each) and the next week we'd do the creating part (an art project based on the art movement as well as a slideshow summary of what you learned the previous week). At the end, you have your own self-created written summary and slideshow of the artists/art movements you learned about throughout the course.

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Old 04-10-2019, 10:56 PM   #3
Rose Garden
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Default Re: Fine Arts Resources -- Please share what you've used.

There's a great YouTube channel that has helped our whole family learn to sketch and actually enjoy it and feel good about the product. He also has series on other types of 2-D art. He's a great teacher!

Schaefer Art
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Old 04-11-2019, 03:47 PM   #4
Tasmanian Saint
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Default Re: Fine Arts Resources -- Please share what you've used.

Piano: Hoffman Academy online lessons are free but if you want sheet music and other materials you need a premium membership. Way cheaper and more convenient than actual lessons, though! (And a very good program. I feel like my kids are going to have decent musical literacy - not just able to read music but have some idea what it's doing)

Guitar: we introduced with then moved on to Justin Guitar (this is a huge site, takes a bit of learning your way around. At the moment DS is working slowly through the beginner course)

Solfa (sight singing): Children of the Open Air on YouTube, and Secrets of Drawing course. When we first signed up, we decided we couldn't afford it and cancelled at the last step. It asked why and made us an offer we couldn't refuse - just a tip When our subscription runs out, I'll be looking at the YouTube sketching course recommended above.

CM picture study materials from (free)

Circe institute have a number of podcasts, including
The Play's the Thing, going through all of Shakespeare's plays one act at a time (this is intended as a teacher support, or you could listen with an older teen. Lots of fun.)
A Poem A Day (suitable for everyone)
Our blossoms: DS "Little Bear" Apr '07 - The negotiator
DD "Miss Muffett" Nov '08 "Don't tell Daddy..."
DS "Mouse" Jan '12 "I Soup Baby, Man of steel! "
Myth Busting over at Dare to Disciple
"Believe in yourself. Trust your instincts. Unless your instincts are terrible." Vitruvius, The LEGO Movie.
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Old 04-14-2019, 07:47 PM   #5
Maleldil's daughter
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Default Re: Fine Arts Resources -- Please share what you've used.

This book, which is FREE if you have kindle unlimited and very cheap if you don't, has enough great material for years of art lessons.

Wifey to the Husby 9/6/2006
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Counseling is like cleaning out your fridge. Mostly it's rearranging things so they make more sense. Now and then you come across some really nasty thing that's been stuck in the back way too long.
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Old 04-15-2019, 10:10 AM   #6
Rose Garden
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Default Re: Fine Arts Resources -- Please share what you've used.

Originally Posted by Tasmanian Saint View Post

When we first signed up, we decided we couldn't afford it and cancelled at the last step. It asked why and made us an offer we couldn't refuse - just a tip

So many online retailers will do that. Or, if you put things in your cart and leave them for a few days, you'll find a 10% off coupon in your email.
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